Membership Categories:

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The membership of this association shall consist of active, associate, senior, and allied members.  Only active members shall hold office and pay full dues.  Active members and Senior members shall have voting privileges. 

Active Membership

  • An active member shall be a member of the New York State Medical Society, the Armed Forces of the United States, or employed by the Federal Government Services and have the licensure as is required in the State of New York. He shall have completed an approved residency or preceptorship in Urology and be actively engaged in or recently retired from the practice of Urology as judged solely by the Executive Committee. “Recently retired” will be limited to five years after retirement. Beyond five years retired will be determined by the Executive Committee.

Associate Membership

  • Associate membership shall be restricted to (1) Urologists in training who cannot fulfill the requirements for active membership but who may be eligible to become active members as soon as the requirements can be met; (2) scientists, physicians in research, and teachers in related fields interested in contributing to the Science of Urology.
  • Associate members may enjoy all the privileges of the Associations excepting the right to vote and the right to hold office. They shall not be subject to regular dues and shall not be liable for any assessments.
  • Associate members in training who do not qualify for and/or request active membership in a reasonable length of time shall be dropped from the membership rolls, at the sole direction of the Executive Committee.

Senior Membership

  • Active members in good standing who have reached the age of 65 years are eligible for senior membership. Such applications must be filed with the Secretary.
  • Senior members are exempt from dues and assessments beginning the following calendar year after election.

Allied Membership

  • Allied membership shall be available to non-physician professionals, including nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medial assistants specializing or concentrating in urology and serving in a health care setting.
  • Allied members may enjoy the privileges of this association excepting the right to vote and hold office.  They shall be subject to a reduced dues structure.